There's been a lot of feedback from participants, support services, and coordinators about the challenges with the PACE system since its launch. The NDIA is aware of these issues and claims to be working on improvements.
Currently, around 10-12% of participants are on a PACE plan. One biggest gripes from providers is the frequent "something went wrong" message they encounter on the portal.
The NDIA plans to implement improvements to the user experience in May and June of this year.
However, it's important to note that the NDIS provider portal won't host all the necessary personal information for providers, anymore. This might seem like a step back, rather than forward. But the NDIA is in favour of participants having more control over their information, and providers should be empowering their customers to take charge of their plans, assisting with learning the new system and helping to reduce misuse.
The NDIS has maintained that they have provided ample resources for participants to navigate PACE and collaborate with providers. However, there's a valid concern about individuals who are unable to manage this responsibility independently or lack informal support. What happens to them?
This is where supported decision-making comes into play. Historically, individuals with disabilities have had limited opportunities to make their own decisions. It's essential to understand that rushing the process or assuming someone is incapable can hinder rather than help. Patience is key.
While cognitive impairment or non-verbal communication may present challenges, they should not prevent individuals from expressing their preferences for support or understanding that they have a say in decisions about their funding. Its no different from giving a person a choice of what they eat or wear. These might be simpler tasks, but we can assist our customers with important decisions too!
In our next blog post we will explore supported decision making in more detail. In the meantime, if you would like to hit the links below for more information.
It feels like navigating the NDIS is a frustrating beast right now, but there's room for improvement and our top priority should be helping our customers along the way.
We wish you well, as always
The Lama Care Team